Monday, October 8, 2012

And the Winner Is.... Big Bird?

With the first presidential debate of this campaign season done – I think it is fair to say that the media has clearly scrutinized every last word of that campaign. It has gone so far that there the media was up in arms over the Big Bird comment made by Mitt Romney that internet campaigns were created, calling to “Save Big Bird!” Politics aside, why is it that despite the important topics covered in that debate the biggest sensation to come out of this was something (insert sarcastic quotes) we should all be concerned about- the fate of big bird? Now don’t get me wrong, during my childhood I was a definite big bird fan but to scrutinize Romney over a small side comment rather his views on taxes and our economy is mind blowing.

Take a look for yourself at just a handful of images posted after the debate—mind you ¾ of these images were found by typing presidential debate 2012. Instead of images of Romney and Obama dueling it out with one another… big bird popped out. I think now is the time to start worrying about the future of our nation. 

1 comment:

  1. Could not agree more with this. I would like to say I am shocked at the over emphasis on Romney's comment, but when looking at all the other political segments we were shown in class, along with those I watch myself, it is easy to see how this comment became such a big focal point. Instead of fixating on this "side comment" as you have stated, people would be better off examining how the debate went, and the different points addressed by each of our candidates.

    Also, along those lines, I watched this debate a little differently than past elections. Based off our class discussions, crossfire, and other topics we have shared, it was definitely interesting to watch how each candidate has his own points to get accross. Rather than listening and debating the other candidate's point, Romney and Obama are more focused on what they are trying to pinpoint to the audience, and discounting counterpoints brought up.
