Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Ironic War of Words

Scalia via Huffington Post
I find it ironic that after our class discussion to find that Richard Posner, who clearly thinks quite highly of himself going up against the very conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. These men are very intellectual, strong, and powerful men in our society who feel they can do no wrong. Leave it to Posner to challenge Scalia for his interpretation of the law and in a sense calling Scalia a hypocrite. Yet it was made very clear from our discussion this past Monday- that Posner himself presents ideas that clearly clash with one another. As men who are distinguished public intellects in our society, shouldn't their focus be on addressing public issues and making a positive difference? Rather they choose the latter to squabble over one's words that have no relevance about the betterment of our society and the world we live in. Shame on them.

Posner via Chicago Tribune

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