Friday, November 2, 2012

Reality Check- Aisle One Please.

As many may know, Hurricane Sandy and later to be known as Superstorm Sandy recently swept through and demolished a significant portion of the East Coast. Sandy left behind a war path full of devastation and lost; as a nation we are left to pick up and face reality. Yet whats interesting is that this storm brought about two interesting realities: one (that mainstream press seemed to cover little about) was the impact of global warming and two -- the economic realities that many face now. 

1.) Global Warming --> Sandy's recent mark on several states clearly shows how we should not mess with Mother Nature. A recent Bloomberg Buinessweek magazine cover, clearly lays out the connection that this super-storm had with global warming. This is a clear example of how, as a nation, we really need to take the proper measures to ensure we are respecting and taking care of the environment we live in. Not only does global warming induce storms such as Sandy, bringing total devastation -- but Mother Nature also has a lingering impact, with most notably being our national upcoming election. The devastation of this storm is so great that recent articles, like this one from USA Today, mention the significant ramifications Eastern states will face from the lack of power that may still be out come November 6th.

2.) Economic Reality -->  In Timothy Noah's book, "The Great Divergence" he highlights the economic divide that is occurring in our country, and I think Hurricane Sandy, really brings to light these issues in our country. Millions are without power, no matter the social strata, but as Randy mentions in his blog- what about the homeless?! Of course they have acclimated to extreme weather and conditions, but to be faced to such extreme conditions- where was help for them? Granted, I don't know that much about taxes to know that if we were to significantly increase taxes for the super wealthy if that would help the economic divide -- and even dwindle down far enough to help the homeless either. But it doesn't sound like it could hurt. 

I have to admit that upon reading an article from this morning, this article about Katie Holmes and her daughter Suri, made me roll my eyes. Poor Katie Holmes had to leave her luxury apartment because of Hurricane Sandy and stay in a 4 star hotel with her daughter. 
This is a slap of reality. Instead of focusing on most of Middle Class America, and even the poverty stricken who have lost their homes and livelihood to the storm -- mainstream media wants us to feel bad for millionaires being forced to stay at a top hotel? I know I certainly don't. Millions of everyday Americans have been significantly impacted by this storm but the focus still lies on the top 1% of America's richest people. The super rich continue to be pampered by our government while those who face hardships on a daily basis, have to fight for government assistance. Perhaps doing a tax increase for the super rich is an pathway to a solution in solving America's "Great Divergence."

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